Monday, October 31, 2016


1、已生恶令永断 - 对已生之恶,使永除断,为勤精进也。又谓五盖等烦恼心,离五种善根故,一心勤精进,方便断除,不令更生也。
The sake of the abandonment [pahānāya] of evil, unskillful qualities that have arisen.

2、未生恶令不生 - 对未生之恶,使更不生,为勤精进也。又谓五盖等烦恼恶法,今虽未生,后若生时,能遮五种善根故,一心勤精进,方便遮止,不令生也。
The sake of the non-arising [anuppādāya] of evil, unskillful qualities that have not yet arisen.

3、未生善令得生 - 对未生之善使生,为勤精进也。又谓五种善根虽未生,为令生故,一心勤精进,方便修习,令得生也。
The sake of the arising [uppādāya] of skillful qualities that have not yet arisen.

4、已生善令增长 - 对已生之善使增长,为勤精进也。又谓五种善根已生,为令增长故,一心勤精进,方便修习,令不退失也。
The maintenance [ṭhitiyā], non-confusion, increase, plenitude, development, & culmination of skillful qualities that have arisen."